
Welcome to Rialto. This is a blog where I hope you will find something of interest to you. I work in Further Education and my hope is to supplement my work in the classroom with extras and advice. I also like to dabble in creative writing and you will find bits and pieces along the way. Feel free to subscribe or pass by again and you may find something of interest.

Friday, June 10, 2011

In the context of...

In the context of...
Another cursed phrase is sentenced to be committed to the bank of expressions  that must qualify as the most overused, clichéd, hackneyed and downright annoying idioms that just keeps cropping up in the political and economic discourse that holds sway.
I’m always suspicious of its use. What does it really mean? Surely in the context of sensible and reasonable debate it is just not necessary. In the context of trying to communicate in an interesting and meaningful way surely one should endeavour to embroider their words with something colourful, different and even poetic. Oh no, in the context of lazy, overused, unimaginative discourse it just keeps  being repeated to the point of a needle, in the context  of  vinyl  recordings, being jammed in the groove.
Good Lord, in the context of Christian mercy please deliver us from the awful phrase that in the context of human history  never has such an expression been used so much and meant so little.
So in the context of concluding my tirade and in that context can I make an appeal to all those that, in the context of meaningful communication; that those who wish to communicate concisely and intelligently, please in the context of solidarity with your fellow humans stop using such an overused, verbal convolution.

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